by Kimkramer | Oct 12, 2020
(An excerpt from the book Repurposement) Buy Repurposement at...
by Kimkramer | Oct 8, 2020
(Republishing a post originally published in 2017.) Just finished the book “Happiness by Design” by Paul Dolan (with a forward by the great Daniel Kahneman). I’d highly recommend the book to anyone who wants to take a deep dive with Behavioral Finance and Behavioral...
by Kimkramer | Aug 6, 2020
This is going to sound a bit like a rant, and I don’t mean for it to. But one of my pet peeves is when we call our 401(k) committee an Investment Committee rather than the Retirement Plan Committee. It seems like a small point of semantics, but words are...
by Kimkramer | Aug 5, 2020
Retirement is not an age. Retirement is not a number. Retirement is a percentage. A common misperception is that retirement is like a destination, a station along the track, a target for our journey. If only it were that simple! Retirement is not a...
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