403(b) Simple
Assessing the need of the employee and employer to provide the best possible 403 (b) retirement plans that produce healthy outcomes.
Simple 403(b) Plans
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Simple 403(b) Plans
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403(b) Types
Erisa vs. Non-Erisa.
Church Plans
Christian College
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Healthy Plans Make Healthy Outcomes
Healthy Retirement Plans
At PHD. Retirement Consultants we believe the process starts with designing and building a healthy retirement plan. Just as a company’s medical benefits are supported with a Wellness Plan, we believe that a company’s retirement benefits should be undergirded with a Health and Wellness System that supports compliance, due diligence and proper fiduciary oversight while also producing healthy outcomes. The ingredients of a healthy retirement plan include adherence to Best Practices under ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act).
Healthy Plans Make Healthy Outcomes
Healthy Retirement Outcomes
At PHD. Retirement Consultants we believe that a healthy retirement plan produces healthy retirement outcomes. After all, if the plan itself is functioning properly and legally and everything is in compliance and yet the plan participants don’t have enough money to retire on time, what’s the point? We focus on measurable outcomes and utilize third-party benchmarking studies to reference our scorecards and demonstrate that the plan is always working towards improvements in health. The goal of our client-focused, participant-centric model is producing happy and healthy employees who understand, appreciate and participate in the company retirement plan. One of our objectives is to build employee morale around the benefits that the company offers as savings increase. The ingredients of healthy retirement plan outcomes starts with a focus on your company’s most valuable resources, your Human Resources.
Healthy Plans Make Healthy Outcomes
Healthy Retirement Outcomes
At PHD. Retirement Consultants we believe that a healthy retirement plan produces healthy retirement outcomes. After all, if the plan itself is functioning properly and legally and everything is in compliance and yet the plan participants don’t have enough money to retire on time, what’s the point? We focus on measurable outcomes and utilize third-party benchmarking studies to reference our scorecards and demonstrate that the plan is always working towards improvements in health. The goal of our client-focused, participant-centric model is producing happy and healthy employees who understand, appreciate and participate in the company retirement plan. One of our objectives is to build employee morale around the benefits that the company offers as savings increase. The ingredients of healthy retirement plan outcomes starts with a focus on your company’s most valuable resources, your Human Resources.
The Flight Path for a Healthy Retirement Plan
– hover over each airplane to reveal the description –

Take Off
What are the defaults for the retirement plan, and are they set to help or harm the objective of getting every employee across the finish line? We’d hate for the plane to take off with anyone left behind. Our team excels in getting everybody on board
The participants in a retirement plan don’t just automatically climb towards their retirement goals unless there is an intentional and purposeful effort to facilitate the process. If fees are excessive, if contributions are low, or if the communication and guidance in the Break Room is not on target, the gravitational pull will prevent success.
The participants in a retirement plan have the opportunity to set the flight to cruise control once they reach their cruising altitude, meaning proper diversification and rebalancing of their account along a customized glidepath. Using cruise control should mean less turbulence over the course of the journey and should promote better long-term success.
Preparing to Land
The closer an employee gets to the end of their journey the greater the importance of customized personal guidance. Have they considered where they’d like to land, and when they can land, and how much fuel they need to land? Have they factored into the equation Social Security and ongoing health care costs? It is important to sit down with a coach for in-depth planning, a trusted planner who embodies a teacher’s heart and a servant mindset. Finding the right pilot is key.
There is so much attention on the accumulation process towards retirement, and too little focus on the distribution process. How an employee lands is critical. A safe landing is vital to success and there is nothing automatic about the process. A successful landing means avoiding coming down in a dangerous spot, like a down market or a runway littered with annuities that can erode years of hard work with excessive fees. Landing the plan may be the most dangerous part of flying and must be left to the professionals.
No Commission | Fee-only focus
We help employees retire better
and we help employers sleep better
“If your employees matter to you they matter to us”
“Our goal is to get every employee across the finish line”
“We’ll meet with any employee, any time, anywhere. Just because we care”
Get In Touch
(844) PHD-401k
7500 College Blvd., Suite 500,
Overland Park, Kansas 66210.