by Kimkramer | Sep 8, 2020
Don’t raise a WHITE Flag over this RED Flag issue. Far too many Americans are “surrendering” to the flagrant use of proprietary funds. It’s 2020! If your 401(k) provider is still offering proprietary funds, you’re probably being taken. According to information...
by Kimkramer | Aug 31, 2020
As baby boomers approach and reach retirement age, there’s a lot of anxiety regarding whether or not they will have enough financial resources. Many somewhat simplistic formulas have been applied to this question, each of which is at least somewhat useful — but...
by Kimkramer | Aug 6, 2020
This is going to sound a bit like a rant, and I don’t mean for it to. But one of my pet peeves is when we call our 401(k) committee an Investment Committee rather than the Retirement Plan Committee. It seems like a small point of semantics, but words are...
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