Employee Benefits??

Employee Benefits??

The latest in Employee Benefits… employers helping their employees with getting back to work if the kids of those employees may not be (fully) getting back to school. Sylvan Learning can help. Check out this free webinar – Thursday, September 24th....
401k Identity Theft

401k Identity Theft

Your personal information – the indicative data for each plan participant in the 401(k) – is a "plan asset" as far as ERISA is concerned. Protecting it is part of the employer's fiduciary liability. Know the facts…and don't...
4 Reasons EVERY American worker should get in the game

4 Reasons EVERY American worker should get in the game

4 Reasons EVERYONE should participate in a retirement plan In 1991, Dan Gookin published a book called “DOS For Dummies.” It was a how-to book that explained a topic in the most simplistic of terms. Not surprisingly, it was a best-seller. Most surprisingly, readers...
Don’t surrender to crappy funds

Don’t surrender to crappy funds

Don’t raise a WHITE Flag over this RED Flag issue. Far too many Americans are “surrendering” to the flagrant use of proprietary funds. It’s 2020! If your 401(k) provider is still offering proprietary funds, you’re probably being taken. According to information...
Funding Retirement or College??

Funding Retirement or College??

Should a person save for college and then retirement or save for retirement and then college? How should we prioritize our dollars? Is there a right answer? I thought the answer to this question was easy, or intuitive, or obvious…but I’ve met so many people...