4.01 – April Fools’ Day

4.01 – April Fools’ Day

This is no April Fool. Today is 401k day. But on 4-01 we are reminded of the famous proverb that “a fool and his money are soon parted.” Ironically, most people assume (incorrectly) that the saying comes from the Bible. While the Bible talks a lot about...
The SKINNY on Target Date Funds

The SKINNY on Target Date Funds

The key to growing money in a long-term retirement plan is to be as broadly diversified as possible. That is, to be broadly diversified in an age-appropriate fashion. With investments it’s particularly important for us to act our age. Some will argue for the merits of...
SIX Secret Steps to Making Money

SIX Secret Steps to Making Money

It’s simple. Super simple. It’s a wonder more people don’t know this or that so many people fail at this. It’s not complicated building wealth in a 401(k) plan (or it’s 403b plan equivalent). The money comes out of your paycheck before you get...
Forecasting and Markets

Forecasting and Markets

Forecasting is … interesting. It’s more of an art than a science, even if we use the word “science” promiscuously. In most other industries, you have to be accurate at least 50% of the time, but not in forecasting. Here in Kansas City some of us are huge fans of Gary...